Max Payne - The Prologue
By Mati

It started 3 years ago, Max came home after a long day at work, no-one answered when he came in the door of his home. Upstairs he found his daughter killed and he was also too late to save his wife. He swore revenge against the drug that drove people to this, Valkyr.
He joined the DEA as an undercover cop, infiltrating the Mafia and the underground world of New York. But he gets framed, accused of killing his partner he goes on a thrillride through New York from scum to scum to get to the top, to get those responsible of the hell that is Valkyr. A man with nothing to lose...
This mission pack is a recreation of the amazing Max Payne universe, although with some changes.
He joined the DEA as an undercover cop, infiltrating the Mafia and the underground world of New York. But he gets framed, accused of killing his partner he goes on a thrillride through New York from scum to scum to get to the top, to get those responsible of the hell that is Valkyr. A man with nothing to lose...
This mission pack is a recreation of the amazing Max Payne universe, although with some changes.
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Jul 21 '11
- Views
- 2103
- Downloads
- 2676
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 33
- Actors
- 18
- Cars
- 3
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 12

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