GTA San francisco (Jack)
By A(n)drEj! (non-member)
GTA San Francisco (Jack)
All this is happening in San Francisco 1993.Jack and his friends are constantly struggling with Gracia. But occurs problem.Gracia received reinforcements from Liberty City and everything else becomes more difficult! They know that the CJ in 1992 won Gracia! Jack wants to help him CJ, but CJ was in bad angeles.After destroying Gracia s base, Jack s friends are dead. Jack at the end points in Liberty City, and continues the fight whit Gracia. TO BE CONTINIU
TO continious game you will need Gta United. Download link:
Other parts:
GTA San Francisco 1993
GTA Liberty City 1994-1995
GTA Problem in Vice City 1995
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Added by AnDReJ98 on Oct 17 2011, 20:44
A my first storyline! He have 8 missions,but here are other parts...This is part 1 for gta sa. Other parts are for gta united. Note: Use Y and N to save progres in safe house. Here is a part 4,but it isn"t announced part of this game. Sorry for any error of me...Please rite a coment...Goodby
Added by AnDReJ98 on Nov 18 2011, 20:16
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