wierd things part 2
By Maxie (non-member)
the story continues! this time you try to find the answer to what happened in the first part! more action than last one! no point playin this if you haven't played the 1st part; here's the list again
player: maxie; weapon: smg
ally: sweet; weapon: desert eagle
enemies: why did i write enemies: when im not gonna reveal them?
note: the third part is named: heavy cash & artillery(i dunno why i gave it such name)
player: maxie; weapon: smg
ally: sweet; weapon: desert eagle
enemies: why did i write enemies: when im not gonna reveal them?
note: the third part is named: heavy cash & artillery(i dunno why i gave it such name)
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- Jan 22 '09
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- Objectives
- 10
- Actors
- 13
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- Pickups
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