Officer Dead: Mission 4; series TSOLK
By KaRzY6

Officer Dead is the 4th mission of my series, TSOLK (The Story Of Leroy Kingston).
(NOTE!) When you are at the front of the police station, go into the police station, even though the marker is in the countryside. The evidence is in the Police Station. I don't know why it does that.
About Mission: Sgt. Johnson(LSPD) is gaining evidence against 52 for drug dealing. Leroy kill a officer Jones, who is a small time cop, at the Cluckin' Bell and steals his uniform. He takes the cop car to the police station and takes the evidence inside. Leroy then drops it off at 52's backdoor.
Characters featured: 52, Officer Jones.
(NOTE!) When you are at the front of the police station, go into the police station, even though the marker is in the countryside. The evidence is in the Police Station. I don't know why it does that.
About Mission: Sgt. Johnson(LSPD) is gaining evidence against 52 for drug dealing. Leroy kill a officer Jones, who is a small time cop, at the Cluckin' Bell and steals his uniform. He takes the cop car to the police station and takes the evidence inside. Leroy then drops it off at 52's backdoor.
Characters featured: 52, Officer Jones.
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- Objectives
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- Actors
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PLAY | Video Commentary (By AznKei) | KaRzY6 | Oct 07 2012, 09:29 | 0 |
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Added by QaiserH on Feb 11 2014, 08:57
Great Missions!
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