Taking Jefferson Hotel Back
By KaRzY6

Characters: CJ, Sweet, Ryder, Big Smoke, ballas, police.
Mission: CJ(You), Sweet, Ryder and Smoke go to take the Jefferson Hotel turf back off the ballas. The Ballas have it very well guarded. After you kill the Ballas, you're on the roof and the police arrive. Kill the police and go back to the grove.
Mission: CJ(You), Sweet, Ryder and Smoke go to take the Jefferson Hotel turf back off the ballas. The Ballas have it very well guarded. After you kill the Ballas, you're on the roof and the police arrive. Kill the police and go back to the grove.
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- Last Update
- Oct 25 '11
- Views
- 3211
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- Comments
- 2
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 23
- Actors
- 49
- Cars
- 2
- Pickups
- 7
- Objects
- 0

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Added by xx-Big_Rabbitz-xx on Dec 05 2011, 23:56
Great mission bro, loved it. Keep it up :)
Added by QaiserH on Feb 11 2014, 08:58
Great Missions!
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