Nell'Area 51
By Napoletano4ever1996
Dovrai svolgere una missione all'inerno dell'Area 51, dovrai uccidere militari e distruggere furgoni
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Oct 29 '11
- Views
- 831
- Downloads
- 822
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 4
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 13
- Actors
- 36
- Cars
- 2
- Pickups
- 7
- Objects
- 0

No trailers yet, be the first to create one this missionLog in to propose your own trailer
Added by General Scrotum on Oct 29 2011, 22:43
Well, seeing this mission wasn't check as an English mission, there's not really a problem about it. Only reports, and comments on missions checked as English ones made in other languages than English are punishable, in my opinion.
Added by Blue Ray Team on Oct 29 2011, 23:34
but in the rules there is
•only English in website what website means this or :P
•only English in website what website means this or :P
Added by General Scrotum on Oct 30 2011, 13:20
Well, this rule wasn't so clear. I got some info from PatrickW: the only way to have something else than English is the language used in the missions, apart from that; missions titles, information, and comments should be in English to assure a maximum of understanding from both sides.
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Only English in Website