The Story of Samuel Garret
By General Scrotum
Here it is! The complete story!
-I have been working on this mission pack during five months until I completed the last mission.
-The Story of Samuel Garret used: 1029 Objectives, 1373 Actors, 97 Vehicles, 206 Pickups, and 347 Objects.
-Designing chapter four and five required GTA: United, therefore meaning you need GTA: United to play chapter four and five.
-It has a rating of 4.09091 on 5 based on 11 votes on
-I have been working on this mission pack during five months until I completed the last mission.
-The Story of Samuel Garret used: 1029 Objectives, 1373 Actors, 97 Vehicles, 206 Pickups, and 347 Objects.
-Designing chapter four and five required GTA: United, therefore meaning you need GTA: United to play chapter four and five.
-It has a rating of 4.09091 on 5 based on 11 votes on
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Nov 05 '11
- Views
- 1700
- Downloads
- 579
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 2
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Added by alithing on Apr 28 2013, 18:30
Awesome Really Awesome I Really Loved it i play samuel garret 2 3 chapter of it
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