Special Ops: Swat vs Cocks
By Metal_Zero-94

there is an crisis of cocks that are being fired in los santos . then an riot starts. the cocks are thirsty: of blood. people will become crazy and beat someone nearby. the cocks are taking cluckin bell and they will shoot any threat that stands in their way. two teams of swat were sent to search in two cluckin bell places. your team is kilo 1-7. your objective: stop the cocks from this massacre and uncover who is behind of this operation. good luck.
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- Last Update
- Nov 14 '11
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- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 16
- Actors
- 56
- Cars
- 11
- Pickups
- 11
- Objects
- 13

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Added by Adam_Donnell on Nov 17 2011, 15:40
I like this, it is not bad, nice gunfight, not impossibly hard and just Fun
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