ballas are back pt 3
By brad k (non-member)
this mission is a lot of fun alot of killing involved haha lol
this time ballas are ready to take back the whole city by destroying the main part of the groove st
this misison is hard if your not good at gta but for any good player this should be a fun mission quite hard but not too hard
check me out on youtube 18gns9bk and leave me feedback
this time ballas are ready to take back the whole city by destroying the main part of the groove st
this misison is hard if your not good at gta but for any good player this should be a fun mission quite hard but not too hard
check me out on youtube 18gns9bk and leave me feedback
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- Last Update
- Aug 14 '09
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- 1110
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- Objectives
- 16
- Actors
- 31
- Cars
- 5
- Pickups
- 5
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