RE, the dead hungry creatures
By Alvin Matsui
This is the chapter one. I use the the classical gameplay of RE 1 to 3, where you need to search some stuff to fix something or a key to open a door. And the enemy not always come, they come without you know. If you wanna this mission look like zombie in RE, you change their animations (ped.ifp) with animation of zombies. that will make them walk like zombie. Also you can change their skin with zombie skin. Have fun and don't forget to leave a comment.
Your mission : You have mission to catch a criminal named Garry. But he ran away to the city named los Santos. So you go there by planes and after that, from las venturas airport you continue your way with the car. Your first objective is meet Mathisson at an atrium near Ganton. He will gve you info where Garry be.
Your mission : You have mission to catch a criminal named Garry. But he ran away to the city named los Santos. So you go there by planes and after that, from las venturas airport you continue your way with the car. Your first objective is meet Mathisson at an atrium near Ganton. He will gve you info where Garry be.
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- Last Update
- Jan 13 '12
- Views
- 631
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- 807
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- 0
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Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 18
- Actors
- 43
- Cars
- 1
- Pickups
- 5
- Objects
- 15

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