Mafia is danger
This is a mission about one kid that wanted to become a part of mafia.Then a mafia boss give's him a job to see his skill's
This is my first mission so there might be some bug's or complication's if there is please report to me so i can know it in futher missions
This is my first mission so there might be some bug's or complication's if there is please report to me so i can know it in futher missions
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Jan 14 '12
- Views
- 835
- Downloads
- 1000
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 2
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 17
- Actors
- 10
- Cars
- 4
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 2

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Added by PIKIO on Jan 14 2012, 16:10
English:Thanks,are you from Serbia?
Serbian:Hvala,jer si iz Srbije?
Serbian:Hvala,jer si iz Srbije?
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Serbian: Kul brate!