Smells like teen Spirit
By cuacky
Coldplay secuestro a Kurt Cobain que iba a dar un concierto, ellos quieren aprovecharse de eso para que ellos lo den.Evita que lo den!
Coldplay has kidnapped Kurt Cobain because they dont want him to perform his concert, they are gonna take advantage of that and they will perform.Stop them!
Coldplay has kidnapped Kurt Cobain because they dont want him to perform his concert, they are gonna take advantage of that and they will perform.Stop them!
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Added by !!!BG!!! on Jan 17 2012, 22:52
Nice one.I liked the part with the cave ;)
Added by cuacky on Jan 17 2012, 22:56
Thanks !!!BG!!
Added by zimmer370 on Jan 18 2012, 14:06
Nice mission! :)
Are you listening Nirvana? They have a song called Smells like teen spirit.
Are you listening Nirvana? They have a song called Smells like teen spirit.
Added by DyomDevil on Jan 18 2012, 14:41
messiah also got this lyric:
something smells like teen spirit,
like the ghost of kurt cobain wrote these lyrics.
and forced America to listen,
with a million angry misfits,
screaming fuck the system.
something smells like teen spirit,
like the ghost of kurt cobain wrote these lyrics.
and forced America to listen,
with a million angry misfits,
screaming fuck the system.
Added by DyomDevil on Jan 18 2012, 14:42
this is the link:
Added by zimmer370 on Jan 18 2012, 17:39
Kurt Cobain is now dead :(
Added by cuacky on Jan 18 2012, 18:08
yeah i know zimmer
Added by gheorghem on Feb 20 2012, 14:34
wowwy! saving Kurt from Coldplay!!! I've GOTTA try this!!
Added by gheorghem on Feb 20 2012, 14:45
dude!! I can't get to the checkpoint when I become Truth! Help me out!!(
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