Hard Murder part 2
By adidas78
This is part 2 of mission Hard Murder. This mission is shorter than the last one, and i won't say what's in it that you can play it and learn what's in it alone. P.S. in one objective i set ? instead of ! and don't take a look on it, just ignore it.
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- Last Update
- Feb 06 '12
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- Comments
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- Objectives
- 21
- Actors
- 17
- Cars
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- Objects
- 8
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Added by adidas78 on Feb 06 2012, 16:08
People, sorry, don't download the mission, please... i did something wrong, when i get out of the police station, i spawn in Dilimore, not in Los Santos. If you want, try it by yourself. If you spawn in Dilimore, not in Los Santos, this is a bug. When i maked the mission, i were spawning in LS, but i don't know what is now... Please don't download this... If you want, you can download it to try will you spawn in Los Santos or in Dilimore.
Added by Omar57844 on Feb 10 2012, 22:34
you're right
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