2012 - the end of the world Epic Mission
By yo-g
2012 - the end of the world
A scientist in a secret military base, the head of a new product created in the science lab, but when tested in humans.. the person subject began to have fever and shakiness, and have outbursts of anger and cause of death ..
A scientist in a secret military base, the head of a new product created in the science lab, but when tested in humans.. the person subject began to have fever and shakiness, and have outbursts of anger and cause of death ..
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Jun 10 '12
- Views
- 3127
- Downloads
- 2722
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 10
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 88
- Actors
- 100
- Cars
- 11
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 15
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Added by Galactic on Feb 23 2012, 18:04
I always enjoy a Zombie Mission Good work.
Added by yo-g on Feb 25 2012, 01:35
Thanks Galactic II ;)
Added by PIKIO on Feb 26 2012, 19:30
Good mission :)
Added by yo-g on Feb 26 2012, 22:59
Thanks PIKIO ;)
Added by Cammi on Jun 10 2012, 22:52
great mission, how long did it take to make
Added by yo-g on Jun 10 2012, 23:02
thanks man xD
This put two days to do everything
This put two days to do everything
Added by ::The Hunter:: on Jun 10 2012, 23:12
Woooooooooooooooow *-*
Nice nice nice mission Yo-G
Does it suit you to work together for a storyline ? ^^
Nice nice nice mission Yo-G
Does it suit you to work together for a storyline ? ^^
Added by Wichitoo on Jun 10 2012, 23:18
Nice Mission mate, It was very entretaining, you should make a sequel ;)
Added by yo-g on Jun 10 2012, 23:50
Thanks man =)
I am thinking about making the sequels with The - Hunter considering that a monster and he in to create missions =)
Thanks for your advice
I am thinking about making the sequels with The - Hunter considering that a monster and he in to create missions =)
Thanks for your advice
Added by Tomasvie on May 25 2021, 23:46
Great mission!
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