MW3:Ghost Warrior Final
By Ezio
Part 6 finally release!!!
In this mission,Sandman breached a hotel that we believe Makarov 's staying in it.But no sight of him.There is only 1 place he can be now...the Caligula's Casino!
That son of a bitch can escape now!This is your chance to kill him!
Now or never!
Please comment,I worked very hard for this mission but it worth so just enjoy it!
In this mission,Sandman breached a hotel that we believe Makarov 's staying in it.But no sight of him.There is only 1 place he can be now...the Caligula's Casino!
That son of a bitch can escape now!This is your chance to kill him!
Now or never!
Please comment,I worked very hard for this mission but it worth so just enjoy it!
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- Last Update
- Apr 05 '12
- Views
- 1707
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- 2266
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Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 25
- Actors
- 54
- Cars
- 2
- Pickups
- 6
- Objects
- 27
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