HeadHunters: Broken Dreams
By Mati
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America in the year 2027. A fresh start or the beginning of an end? The once so great country has been broken apart because of various factors and now it's run by either gangsters or terrorists. The peaceful country became a struggle if you wanted to survive. The people who haven't died because of the new illnesses or gun shots decided to join tribes, gangs or the remaining Russian military that tried to take over America at it's lowest point, but failed due to lack of communication with the Homeland. If you want to live, you need to join a group and hold a gun. Otherwise, you're a dead man walking.
America in the year 2027. A fresh start or the beginning of an end? The once so great country has been broken apart because of various factors and now it's run by either gangsters or terrorists. The peaceful country became a struggle if you wanted to survive. The people who haven't died because of the new illnesses or gun shots decided to join tribes, gangs or the remaining Russian military that tried to take over America at it's lowest point, but failed due to lack of communication with the Homeland. If you want to live, you need to join a group and hold a gun. Otherwise, you're a dead man walking.
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Apr 06 '12
- Views
- 1868
- Downloads
- 1938
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 1
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 82
- Actors
- 65
- Cars
- 22
- Pickups
- 3
- Objects
- 24

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Added by StuntmanDYOM on Aug 07 2012, 12:29
When are you making the next part?
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