This is the "buisness"
By Davian Thule

The Gambino family is an associate family of the Camorra, Ruggero Gambino got arrested but the cops didn't take him to the prison: they took him in the jungle and then they killed him, tow days later someone found Ruggero's wife death, but it isn't finished for the family because Mario Gambino, son of Ruggero Gambino, wants his revenge and he will get it.
You are Mario Gambino and you will fight for the horor of your family, for the reveng and for your onw business. Keep Low. Move Fast. Kill First. Die Last because the only good cop is a dead cop.
Enjoy the fight!
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You are Mario Gambino and you will fight for the horor of your family, for the reveng and for your onw business. Keep Low. Move Fast. Kill First. Die Last because the only good cop is a dead cop.
Enjoy the fight!
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- Last Update
- Sep 09 '12
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- 1334
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- Comments
- 7
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- Objectives
- 33
- Actors
- 38
- Cars
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- Pickups
- 2
- Objects
- 4

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Added by Earl3611 on Apr 18 2012, 16:44
I like your mission but, your english.. make it perfect there some wrong spell xD, K? make more mission i wanna try it. :D (( I know how to make mission but i'm kinda lazy make just one for now ^_^)) keep it up men... I'll rate
Added by Davian Thule on Apr 18 2012, 16:55
thx, I will try to make my english better for the next mission,and rhx also for the rating
Added by soocerwarrior on Apr 20 2012, 17:41
great mission
Added by F3AR on Aug 02 2012, 10:03
great mission
Added by xGhostx on Sep 09 2012, 09:41
Nice gun
Added by Crowe on Sep 13 2012, 18:18
nice mission
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