DYOM » Missions » Gang Sweep Crackdown LS Undercover P1

Gang Sweep Crackdown LS Undercover P1

By Magic Simpson

Gang Sweep Crackdown Los Santos Undercover Cops Story

Two Houston undercover police officers: Magic Simpson and Chad Holland recently traveled from Houston, Texas to Los Santos, San Andreas after being granted legal jurisdiction to continue an investigation. They help LSPD (Los Santos Police Department) fight crime and get dangerous gangs off of the streets such as the Ballas in order to make Los Santos a safe city to live in. They must infilante Los Santos top dangerous gangs: Grove Street Families, The Ballas, and other gangs while they are on the mission to find the most wanted criminal in San Andreas. Machine Gun, the Ballas leader has been on the run for 7 years and no law enforcement officer ever caught him. He was responsible for 400 murders, terrorism in Los Santos, distributing illegal drugs to countries, gunning down police officers, and more.
Machine Gun run a large drug operation in San Andreas and he is somewhere in the state, heÂ’s not in Los Santos. When Magic and Chad responded to shots fired at Cluckin Bell in East Los Santos, they found four people dead and one seriously injured. Victim said that the Ballas had beef with the Grove Street Families gang and susprised them with gun fire inside the restaurant. The gang members quickly fled the crime scene before Magic and Chad arrived. They investigated the shooting and Magic find a business card with an address to one of the Ballas Private drug operation crack houses.
It was accidently dropped by one of the gang members. Magic and Chad raid the crack house and killed the armed gang members. They found large boxes full of drugs and a notebook with addresses to every Balla crack house in San Andreas. Now they are on a mission to destroy the Ballas, destroy the crack houses, and Machine GunÂ’s drug Operation. In the past Gang violence and crime was tearing the city apart. But that changed, when the president announced that new laws has been created that might decrease the cityÂ’s crime rate.
The first law give police officers the power to search citizen homes every month without a search warrant for illegal drugs, weapons, and anything they shouldnÂ’t have. The LSPD chief said that the first law will take guns away from criminals and their drugs. However licensed gun owners can keep their guns. Ever since the monthly police search law was created 750 people was arrested for having guns in their homes without a licensed. Police found illegal drugs during their first search in Los Santos.
The indivdiuals was arrested in taken into custody. The crime rate decreased by 50% but the community became very enraged. People are now protesting against the government, there are non-violent riots, boycotts, and people have been sending email threats to the President forcing him to get weird of the law. The crime rate started increasing again and police officers were killed trying to enter citizens homes. People refused to let law enforcement officers into their homes and shot them. The president became enraged and announced that people must now have a concealed handgun license to buy a gun and made it complicated to earn handgun license.
The second law give police the power to stop and search anyone who looks like a suspected gang member. With the third law being created a large number of police officers will now patrol high crime areas on foot and prevent gang activity. Some people argued that the first law took away their second amendment right and they was no longer safe without their weapons. They say that itÂ’s stupid that people must have a license to buy a gun and classes are too complicated for them to earn a license. Magic, Chad, Jenny, Mike, Drae, and Charlie must crackdown on gangs and get them off the streets.



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Added by PIKIO on Apr 28 2012, 21:16
Good mission,since your now in dyom i will give you some tips
So the description must be short and it must have details about the mission not like the description you made :D and good luck with the other missions
Added by tufferke on Jan 07 2013, 07:56
Pikio, at least now you know what to expect.
Altough, indeed, this is a little long for an intro.
Magic Simpson, try to cut the intro so the mission is a bit more of a surprise.

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