End of the Ballas
By gtaplaya223
in this mission you are a dealer, who
wants to kill ballas leader and
become a hero!
If you cant survive type BAGUVIX and you willl not die exept explotions and falls!!
Enyoy my mission!!
wants to kill ballas leader and
become a hero!
If you cant survive type BAGUVIX and you willl not die exept explotions and falls!!
Enyoy my mission!!
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- Last Update
- May 12 '12
- Views
- 740
- Downloads
- 764
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 4
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 7
- Actors
- 37
- Cars
- 15
- Pickups
- 1
- Objects
- 5

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Added by gtaplaya223 on May 12 2012, 18:40
sorry for my bad english!!
Added by armanbabayan1989 on May 12 2012, 18:46
your mission was awsome!
Added by armanbabayan1989 on May 12 2012, 18:46
your mission was awsome!
Added by gtaplaya223 on May 13 2012, 18:16
Thanks armanbabayan1989!!
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