The end of the world!
By gtaplaya223
In this mission you
are cj and when you
hear that will be
the world end you
go to meet your friends!
Type baguvix is you die!
enyoy my mission!
are cj and when you
hear that will be
the world end you
go to meet your friends!
Type baguvix is you die!
enyoy my mission!
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- Last Update
- May 14 '12
- Views
- 757
- Downloads
- 978
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- 0
- Comments
- 1
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 36
- Actors
- 35
- Cars
- 8
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 0

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Added by gtaplaya223 on May 14 2012, 16:36
sorry for some mistakes in the description1
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