JerseyBoys - Car Chasing
By Shøgun
This is my First Mission
Mark as the Driver
David as the Shooter (( But he wont shoot cause i dunno how to let David shoot the enemy ))
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- May 15 '12
- Views
- 789
- Downloads
- 1255
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 6
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 15
- Actors
- 4
- Cars
- 3
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 1
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Added by Shøgun on May 15 2012, 13:38
Thanks console actually i'm a Dude LOL :P
Added by consoLe. on May 15 2012, 16:07
no problem dude hope you make new mission ^_^
Added by Earl3611 on May 15 2012, 16:12
WOW... that was Great make But the RAM hahaha
Added by Shøgun on May 15 2012, 16:14
Yeah... I know right? i cant fix cause when i try to delete some Objective it will F*ck up :(
Added by Earl3611 on May 15 2012, 16:16
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But there was a mistake when they try to go to the Ram so they can do the Epic Jump XD but it was Okay.