G.I.W. - Son of the Devil
By xMatix
You didn't had enought fun from killing russian terrorists? Do you still love to play with the death? Then play it!
Something about mission:
Siergiej Hedgenkov, son of Vladimir Hedgenkov was targeted by army inteligence. Small group of Captain Cost soldiers are going to catch him and take from him usefull informations.
Something from me:
Well, I had a long break from this Mission Pack, but I think it's good idea to continue it. There's a lot of action in these missions, so CoD or Battlefield fans will find good fun in it.
Remember to comment this mission!
Something about mission:
Siergiej Hedgenkov, son of Vladimir Hedgenkov was targeted by army inteligence. Small group of Captain Cost soldiers are going to catch him and take from him usefull informations.
Something from me:
Well, I had a long break from this Mission Pack, but I think it's good idea to continue it. There's a lot of action in these missions, so CoD or Battlefield fans will find good fun in it.
Remember to comment this mission!
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- May 21 '12
- Views
- 1504
- Downloads
- 1911
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 2
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 64
- Actors
- 98
- Cars
- 26
- Pickups
- 9
- Objects
- 98

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Added by TheMariusz700 on May 21 2012, 17:09
Fajnie ¿e robisz misje, bêdê przechodzi³. Pozdrawiam ;)
Added by xMatix on May 22 2012, 20:19
Dziêki. W razie jakby¶ szuka³ czego¶ w Polskim jêzyku u mnie, to w Dumping Grounds jest storyline, "Teoria Rewolucji" ;p
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