The Story - Aztecas Stories
By caio3771

This is the intro for my mission pack called
'' Aztecas Stories ''
Here's the sinopsis:
This is the 90's, and Braydie Berl (story protagonist)
runs his own gang, the Aztecas.(He's a poor guy who
decided enter the criminal life) They have a lot of influence
in the city, and his business (drug dealing and whisky dealing)
go well. So, he's a notorious thug. His enemies were always
trying to stop him, without success.
But someday, the things started to change. The local police
(SFPD) made a deal with the N.C.O ( a chinese gang, and
Braydie's worst enemies) with the intention to eliminate
him and all his gang. Most of the Aztecas were jailed
and the corrupts (SFPD with the N.C.O.) took control of the city.
But they were not satisfied. Their main target is Braydie
and they will do everything to catch him. Dead or alive.
But something unexpected happened, some Aztecas that were not
jailed or dead, decided to move to Los Santos to restart all the
empire that they built.
So, they called Braydie to join them in this mission. Braydie
accepted, cause he want take that corrupts out, and he wanna
see his gang on the top again.
But in Los Santos, the things will not be easy, there's some other
gangs under the control.
Now, Braydie will restart a new saga, a saga to take back his gang
to the map, and take out that criminal alliance (SFPD and N.C.O.)
follow the progress of this series here:
wait for the next missions
'' Aztecas Stories ''
Here's the sinopsis:
This is the 90's, and Braydie Berl (story protagonist)
runs his own gang, the Aztecas.(He's a poor guy who
decided enter the criminal life) They have a lot of influence
in the city, and his business (drug dealing and whisky dealing)
go well. So, he's a notorious thug. His enemies were always
trying to stop him, without success.
But someday, the things started to change. The local police
(SFPD) made a deal with the N.C.O ( a chinese gang, and
Braydie's worst enemies) with the intention to eliminate
him and all his gang. Most of the Aztecas were jailed
and the corrupts (SFPD with the N.C.O.) took control of the city.
But they were not satisfied. Their main target is Braydie
and they will do everything to catch him. Dead or alive.
But something unexpected happened, some Aztecas that were not
jailed or dead, decided to move to Los Santos to restart all the
empire that they built.
So, they called Braydie to join them in this mission. Braydie
accepted, cause he want take that corrupts out, and he wanna
see his gang on the top again.
But in Los Santos, the things will not be easy, there's some other
gangs under the control.
Now, Braydie will restart a new saga, a saga to take back his gang
to the map, and take out that criminal alliance (SFPD and N.C.O.)
follow the progress of this series here:
wait for the next missions
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Jun 01 '12
- Views
- 2274
- Downloads
- 1869
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 11
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 43
- Actors
- 54
- Cars
- 21
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 5

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Added by Nice Shot on Jun 02 2012, 09:02
Dude, your DYOM skill is like me!
Added by caio3771 on Jun 02 2012, 23:27
thanx for the comment
Added by Mohammed123 on Jul 21 2012, 16:03
Added by Mohammed123 on Jul 21 2012, 16:03
Added by Mohammed123 on Jul 21 2012, 16:04
caio3771 the thanx? no?
Added by Mohammed123 on Jul 21 2012, 16:04
support you mh like no me
Added by Mohammed123 on Jul 21 2012, 16:10
CAio3771 noob
Added by StuntmanDYOM on Aug 26 2012, 21:17
gtfo faggot
Added by StuntmanDYOM on Aug 26 2012, 21:17
gtfo faggot
Added by StuntmanDYOM on Aug 26 2012, 21:17
(I was talking to mohammed)
Added by StuntmanDYOM on Aug 26 2012, 21:22
No offense, but hes just annoying.
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