The Holiday
By NikoCz (non-member)
PøÃbìh je o tom,že chlapi se rozhodli že pojedou nìkam na dovolenou.A chtìjà aby jela i Johnova matka. Tak jedou k nà a uvidà jak jà zabili dva neznámà muži. Toto je jen prologue.
The story is that the guys decided to travel somewhere for holiday.A want to go and John's mother. So go to her and see how she killed two unidentified men. This is only Prologue ( sorry for my english , i am czech )
The story is that the guys decided to travel somewhere for holiday.A want to go and John's mother. So go to her and see how she killed two unidentified men. This is only Prologue ( sorry for my english , i am czech )
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- Last Update
- Sep 14 '09
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- 582
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- 566
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Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 11
- Actors
- 5
- Cars
- 0
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 2
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