DYOM Contest #6 - Save The World
By caio3771
Mission designed to DYOm contest #¨6
In this mission, a criminal group wants to release a virus to infect the people, then the people become zombies.
You must steal the antidote and save the world of this big infection.
hope you like
In this mission, a criminal group wants to release a virus to infect the people, then the people become zombies.
You must steal the antidote and save the world of this big infection.
hope you like
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- Last Update
- Aug 14 '12
- Views
- 2152
- Downloads
- 2056
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 1
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 3
- Actors
- 28
- Cars
- 0
- Pickups
- 1
- Objects
- 1
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Added by VergilDD on Sep 02 2012, 18:30
sounds like awsome! ill check this.
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