Justifying Means - Chapter One
By CallanGTA
http://newlossantos.vacau.com/media.html]Screenshots!Robert Stark, is an ex-crimelord, selling drugs, killing people, causing disruption... but that wasn't actually who Robert was, inside, he was a kind, gentle, person with a big heart, after retiring from his position, he becomes a good guy, he was always complimented on his driving, so, when the opportunity arrived to become the mayors driver, he took it.
Robert and the mayor quickly became great friends, going to the Santa Maria Pier together, fishing, beaching, partying... You name it! But, heh, nothing can last forever. Robert was forced out of that life that made him so happy, and he is forced back into the ranks of the underworld.
In Justified Means, you play as Robert Stark to build the ranks of a new organisation, with the help of Blake Summer and Trance, your organisation fights against the Vladi Mafia who took your old life, you control fronts, you take fronts, you stop drug trades, you recruit members, Justified Means is the ultimate modification for anyone wanting a change from the usual Grand Theft Auto behaviour. In this, you are the leader, and you will win.
More story will be revealed soon...
http://newlossantos.vacau.com/media.html]Screenshots!Robert Stark, is an ex-crimelord, selling drugs, killing people, causing disruption... but that wasn't actually who Robert was, inside, he was a kind, gentle, person with a big heart, after retiring from his position, he becomes a good guy, he was always complimented on his driving, so, when the opportunity arrived to become the mayors driver, he took it.
Robert and the mayor quickly became great friends, going to the Santa Maria Pier together, fishing, beaching, partying... You name it! But, heh, nothing can last forever. Robert was forced out of that life that made him so happy, and he is forced back into the ranks of the underworld.
In Justified Means, you play as Robert Stark to build the ranks of a new organisation, with the help of Blake Summer and Trance, your organisation fights against the Vladi Mafia who took your old life, you control fronts, you take fronts, you stop drug trades, you recruit members, Justified Means is the ultimate modification for anyone wanting a change from the usual Grand Theft Auto behaviour. In this, you are the leader, and you will win.
More story will be revealed soon...
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Added by CallanGTA on Aug 22 2012, 18:45
http://newlossantos.vacau.com/media.html for screens!
Added by caio3771 on Aug 22 2012, 19:15
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