Gta Vice Venturas part1
By Target-13
after a gang war in early 1991 before the events of san andreas,the haitions move las venturas and regain the power,tommy
vercettie worring that the haitions are strong enough to kill tommy,he also moves to LV and tries to finish the haition empire but on his way
he goes true many adventures true the state.
i am target13 but i made a new account becuase i forgot the password of my other account thats why i started a new account.
vercettie worring that the haitions are strong enough to kill tommy,he also moves to LV and tries to finish the haition empire but on his way
he goes true many adventures true the state.
i am target13 but i made a new account becuase i forgot the password of my other account thats why i started a new account.
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