No life without money
By Luka
This is my 2nd mission of series "Grove street stories", check it out,please leave a comment if u like the missions,forgot to add at 1st one...
1. tip: mission get timed at end , for no reason i just did that for checking skill :D,its not hard
2.tip: to make your friends follow you,just push them,they will continue talking if you dont push them,same trick in 1st mission,
so thats it i hope you will enjoy,more missions coming soon,see ya :D
1. tip: mission get timed at end , for no reason i just did that for checking skill :D,its not hard
2.tip: to make your friends follow you,just push them,they will continue talking if you dont push them,same trick in 1st mission,
so thats it i hope you will enjoy,more missions coming soon,see ya :D
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Added by Luka on Aug 26 2012, 20:51
1 more tip is that,the story will continue,sry for bad eng btw :P
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