Roderick Vialpando
By Luka
This is part 10 of my series "Grove street stories" -only 2 more missions and its done!
the story: Another work with Cesar... But this time its bit harder...
tips: This is very hard mission,so if you are noob use BAGUVIX-life cheat,the trick to kill gangsters faster and easier is:
1.Cesar car dont need to survive,so u can set it burn and get out of here by sending him to group of members...that shall help! they will almost all die...
so thanks for downloading,sry for bad english and please RATE ,COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!!! see ya :D
the story: Another work with Cesar... But this time its bit harder...
tips: This is very hard mission,so if you are noob use BAGUVIX-life cheat,the trick to kill gangsters faster and easier is:
1.Cesar car dont need to survive,so u can set it burn and get out of here by sending him to group of members...that shall help! they will almost all die...
so thanks for downloading,sry for bad english and please RATE ,COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!!! see ya :D
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- Sep 03 '12
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- 655
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- Objectives
- 28
- Actors
- 30
- Cars
- 5
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- 0
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