[Ricks revenge]Ricks and Burritos
By Luka
This is 1st part of my new series called "Ricks revenge"
This mission pack will contain 4-5 missions...
the story: you can find story in start of the mission..btw the main character is Sean Tapiz which is going to take revenge for his family(to kill Burritos)...
Soo thanks for downloading,i hope you will like it! please rate,comment and sub!More missions coming soon.Sry for bad eng...
This mission pack will contain 4-5 missions...
the story: you can find story in start of the mission..btw the main character is Sean Tapiz which is going to take revenge for his family(to kill Burritos)...
Soo thanks for downloading,i hope you will like it! please rate,comment and sub!More missions coming soon.Sry for bad eng...
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Sep 09 '12
- Views
- 592
- Downloads
- 708
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 46
- Actors
- 46
- Cars
- 7
- Pickups
- 5
- Objects
- 0
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