DYOM » Missions » Jason's Revenge (Introduction)

Jason's Revenge (Introduction)

By Zohair Irani

This is an introductory Mission Pack Containing two Missions-
1)The Stryker Brothers
2)Vow For Revenge

The First Mission Describes the Past Of 2 Brothers While Second Mission Describes the Present i.e.How Son of one Of Stryker Brothers Vows For Revenge of His Father's Death at Hands of Other Brother.

1st Mission is more of Introduction of characters and their Journey while second one is an action one....

(P.S : Dont Forget to Rate and Please Comment if there is any Problem while playing the mission)



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Last Update
Dec 31 '12


Rated 4 times, Average 3

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Added by persianboy on Nov 30 2012, 17:44
good job...
Added by persianboy on Nov 30 2012, 18:05
do you speak Farsi?
Added by Zohair Irani on Nov 30 2012, 18:40
Added by Zohair Irani on Nov 30 2012, 18:46
Did you complete playing both the missions?
Did the missions play till the end?(like did pc hang up in between?)
Added by persianboy on Dec 01 2012, 20:18
I still play!Course I download.
Where do you live?(I live in Iran)
Added by persianboy on Dec 02 2012, 14:57
My computer not hang.Course I did not finish the these missions.
Added by persianboy on Dec 02 2012, 14:59
But could not do any of the missions.I do notknow what to do.MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, a difficult mission,but it was awesome.Others were great.
Added by persianboy on Dec 02 2012, 15:01
Where do you live?(I live in Iran)

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