Nazi Zombies 3 GTA SA
By master132
Another mission of gta sa nazi zombies game 3 in this game 3 is a bit more difficult for the end if you go or if you liked my misionn put raiting
difficulty: easy, medium, hard, HARD
Language: English
mission created: by master132
otra mision de gta sa nazi zombies juego 3 en este juego 3 es un poco mas dificil por el final si lo pasan o si les gusto mi misionn pongan raiting
dificultad: easy,medium,hard,HARD
mision creada: por master132
Another mission of gta sa nazi zombies game 3 in this game 3 is a bit more difficult for the end if you go or if you liked my misionn put raiting
difficulty: easy, medium, hard, HARD
Language: English
mission created: by master132
otra mision de gta sa nazi zombies juego 3 en este juego 3 es un poco mas dificil por el final si lo pasan o si les gusto mi misionn pongan raiting
dificultad: easy,medium,hard,HARD
mision creada: por master132
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Dec 30 '12
- Views
- 1145
- Downloads
- 1239
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 17
- Actors
- 67
- Cars
- 0
- Pickups
- 5
- Objects
- 51

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