The beginning [Swiping Kings: Prequel]
By Jimmy_Leppard
This is the intro mission to my new mission series called ''Swiping Kings: Prequel''.
This mission series follows the story that happened before and led to the events of ''Swiping Kings'' mission series. The story starts 10 years before the events of the original ''Swiping Kings'' story. The year is 1997. Zack O'Conner is a man who lived all his life in Vice City. As the crisis had hit Vice City, he started to have less and less money. After a while, he decided to ask the Mexican loansharks to loan him some money. As it usually happens, the loansharks wanted their money to be returned sooner than Zack had expected. Due to the circumstances, Zack had to run away from Vice City in order to hide from the Mexican loansharks. He decided to go to Los Santos and try to earn some money in the fastest way possible - Illegal car racing.
Thank you and have fun :)
This mission series follows the story that happened before and led to the events of ''Swiping Kings'' mission series. The story starts 10 years before the events of the original ''Swiping Kings'' story. The year is 1997. Zack O'Conner is a man who lived all his life in Vice City. As the crisis had hit Vice City, he started to have less and less money. After a while, he decided to ask the Mexican loansharks to loan him some money. As it usually happens, the loansharks wanted their money to be returned sooner than Zack had expected. Due to the circumstances, Zack had to run away from Vice City in order to hide from the Mexican loansharks. He decided to go to Los Santos and try to earn some money in the fastest way possible - Illegal car racing.
Thank you and have fun :)
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Dec 27 '12
- Views
- 1304
- Downloads
- 2220
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 49
- Actors
- 41
- Cars
- 12
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 3

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