DYOM » Missions » Tomb Raider : Wrecked Submarine

Tomb Raider : Wrecked Submarine

By Zohair Irani

Hi again guys.
This is the third mission of the Tomb Raider Series.

Lara Croft , after having traced the signal (in the previous mission) which incidently emerges from a wrecked submarine decides to venture a search for it underwater inspite of being devoid of her underwater gear.

This mission is about Lara's first underwater adventure.
So ,

{Note :
2)Do not forget to provide a constructive feedback.Please state whether you enjoyed the mission or not.Also if not,at least provide a feasible reason.
3)Suggestions on improvement of the missions are welcome.
4)Please do not unnecessarily rate the missions low before playing them.Also If you do rate it low,then at least provide a reason.If you do so,I will willingly accept it.

{Link to GTA FORUMS Topic : http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=540106}


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Jan 08 '15


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Added by Vinesh on Mar 15 2013, 15:43
How can you go inside the submarine?
But this is a extreme cool mission i like it
Added by Zohair Irani on Mar 15 2013, 15:46
Thanks Vinesh.
And about the trick , I have posted it on your wall.
Added by King on Mar 15 2013, 16:07
Extreme work
I complete it
well good work mission
Added by King on Mar 15 2013, 16:08
5 star
Added by Zohair Irani on Mar 15 2013, 16:21
Hey thanks a lot for your regular feedback , King.
Added by James Moriarty on Mar 15 2013, 16:27
I played the three missions , this mission was the best.
I really liked that weeds you spawned.It really looked like a WRECKED SUBMARINE.
Added by Zohair Irani on Mar 15 2013, 16:35
Thank you ,James.
Glad you liked the concept and the mission.
Added by prince. on Mar 19 2013, 18:45
Good work
Added by prince. on Mar 19 2013, 18:45
5 star
Added by GtBorg on Mar 20 2013, 00:17
Awesome work.
Keep making very good missions.
5 star :)
Added by Zohair Irani on Mar 21 2013, 17:51
Thanks , GtBorg . It is just that I am not as active as I was when I uploaded first three missions.

Guys, stay tuned for Tomb Raider : Secret of the Artifact.
Added by Gtadon79 on Mar 22 2013, 07:19
Awesome 4/5
Added by Ravenclaw on Mar 23 2013, 16:33
excellent mission by Zohair! I really liked the searching part inside the submarine...5 stars!
Added by Zohair Irani on Mar 23 2013, 19:58
Thanks everyone .
TR : LA has been delayed due to exams ..
Sorry for the inconvenience .
Added by Zohair Irani on Mar 23 2013, 19:59
(Sorry , It is *TR : SOTA)
Added by eXe on Mar 24 2013, 20:00
4 Stars...mission need some action.something like: when you get home to deposit the airfact the house is under attack.Why you give us a pistol is we dont need to use it?
Added by Zohair Irani on Mar 25 2013, 10:05
@eXe : Thanks for your feedback.
First thing is that I have given pistol to make it look more LARA CROFTY . (If at all you have played or seen Tomb Raider)
Second is that I havent provided it to kill enemies , but to remove the obstacles like grain shacks in Submarine.
And lastly , this is just the third mission , I want to keep the action for later ones (like Guardian Bosses , etc.)
Thanks for playing.
Added by VergilDD on Apr 23 2013, 16:05
I played up to this mission today, they were awesome and was very creative but i think that the "Detector" in the 2nd mission is some kinda time wasting, u can make it shorter or try some other things. How ever it was so creative.(I wish i could be so creatively!) and keep it up!
Added by VergilDD on Apr 23 2013, 16:06
I'll play the other missions next day and give u a feedback!
Added by Zohair Irani on Apr 23 2013, 16:27
Thanks, VergiDD . Actually this was supposed to be the mission DIRECTLY after Tomb Raider : Introduction. But before uploading this one, I suddenly thought that how the hell did Lara come to this submarine ? So I had to make a mission that connected this and Introduction. So in haste I made this one. No other tracking idea struck me then, except the one in TR : Beginning. So I just tried to make it as fast as possible. I agree 'Beginning' is real TOUGH and also frustating.
I might remake this missi
Added by Zohair Irani on Apr 23 2013, 16:29
I might remake that mission again.(TR : Beginning)
Eager for your upcoming reviews for later missions. :)
Added by PhOeNiX416 on Jan 31 2017, 13:23
Nice one, Irani

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