GTA T.C.C Mission #41 - Last Hope
By Astrobix
This is the 41th mission of my own dyom story, created by me steven iglesias (Astrobix), edited and uploated by me.
Mission name: Last Hope
Given by: Alex
Reward: ~~~~~~~~
Storyline Mission Number: 41th
Trivia: Steven meets alex in his old house at the beach. Alex informs steven about the current situation, steven blaims himself by what happend but alex tries to support him telling him that it's not his fault.
When steven leaves the house, after a few moments he recieves a call from minuteman who tells him that he's screwed up but not at all because laura and bryan aren't dead yet, wilman gave him bryan and laura so minuteman has them in his power. Minuteman gives steven the option to work with him once again, shooting down a presidential flight who is going to liberty city and it's supossed to take care of wilman's problems. (Arrest wilman/take him down). So minuteman tells steven that if he wants to do it he can go to the abandoned airport at verdant meadows in the middle of las ventura's desert. Either way, bryan and laura are dead.
After some minutes steven deciedes to call the agent fernandez to inform him about the situation. Agent fernandez and steven talk about the problem, but luckly for steven the Feds have located minuteman, in san fierro's dump. Fernandez gives steven the option to take out minuteman and save laura and bryan because he doesn't trust in minuteman after he betrayed steven. Steven is not sure about wich choise select so fernandez leaves him to think about it.
At this point, the player can make his choise, if make the deal with minuteman and he will release laura, or take out minuteman and rescue them. The decition will have it's repercutions in the future.
Alex's Missions: 80% (2/3)
-GTA San Andreas
-Cleo 3
-Dyom 7.0.2
Mission name: Last Hope
Given by: Alex
Reward: ~~~~~~~~
Storyline Mission Number: 41th
Trivia: Steven meets alex in his old house at the beach. Alex informs steven about the current situation, steven blaims himself by what happend but alex tries to support him telling him that it's not his fault.
When steven leaves the house, after a few moments he recieves a call from minuteman who tells him that he's screwed up but not at all because laura and bryan aren't dead yet, wilman gave him bryan and laura so minuteman has them in his power. Minuteman gives steven the option to work with him once again, shooting down a presidential flight who is going to liberty city and it's supossed to take care of wilman's problems. (Arrest wilman/take him down). So minuteman tells steven that if he wants to do it he can go to the abandoned airport at verdant meadows in the middle of las ventura's desert. Either way, bryan and laura are dead.
After some minutes steven deciedes to call the agent fernandez to inform him about the situation. Agent fernandez and steven talk about the problem, but luckly for steven the Feds have located minuteman, in san fierro's dump. Fernandez gives steven the option to take out minuteman and save laura and bryan because he doesn't trust in minuteman after he betrayed steven. Steven is not sure about wich choise select so fernandez leaves him to think about it.
At this point, the player can make his choise, if make the deal with minuteman and he will release laura, or take out minuteman and rescue them. The decition will have it's repercutions in the future.
Alex's Missions: 80% (2/3)
-GTA San Andreas
-Cleo 3
-Dyom 7.0.2
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Apr 01 '13
- Views
- 3238
- Downloads
- 2182
- Trailers
- 1
- Comments
- 1
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 37
- Actors
- 1
- Cars
- 1
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 0

SELECT | TrailerName | Author | Date | Rating |
PLAY | Mission help: 41 | Astrobix | Apr 01 2013, 04:07 | 0 |
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