DYOM » StoryLines » (the new gang of san andreas)part 1

(the new gang of san andreas)part 1

By razorx2J

this is my first part of my storyline.
i made 40 missions in my storyline but each storyline has 8 missions. do not give me negative comments because i am still a starter. all these missions were tested before they were added to the storyline.

there was a gang who was called the A5. they were from las venturas but are hiding in los santos from the R.E.D. although they hide in los santos for sweet's help.

Characters of A5:
1.Razor-the leader of the A5.the most dangerous gangster of las venturas.wanted for car stealing,numerous murders and street racing.a really good marksman
-vehicle:cheetah(bulletproof and damage proof)
2.Arthur-a hot head.sometimes backbitten by razor due to being different like not changing his old car.has money for weapons but doesnt budget himself for a hot rod like razor,baron and niko.
-vehicle:sunrise(no specialty)
3.Sieth-a former soldier who got fired from his job as a military soilder in las venturas due to his case of murder.(also a reason why the A5 left LV).
-vehicle-patriot(explosion proof)
4.baron-a car mechanic.not just and ordinary car mechanic.he is known for placing bombs in cars.luckily the cops never knew he is behind murders due to car explosions.
-vehicle-ZR-350 (no specialty)
5.niko(im not preffering to the one in gta IV) xD
-a former rugby player.he was kicked out due to extreme aggression.he injures 3-4 player in some games.though he is a rich playa.
-vehicle-tornado (can be seen in the mission ''the rob'') and super gt(used for racing)
arturo diaz-a pilot who was responsible for a silent murder to arthur's mom.and arthur's arch rival in college.
sergio-a ballas member who created the ambush in the mission ''the A5''.
Drake snake-the boss of the R.E.D in LS. you will kill him in the mission ''bird's eye''.
Jake snake-the brother of the boss of R.E.D gang "drake snake''.you will also kill him in the mission ''bird's eye''.

NOTE:completing this storyline would take 1 hour and 30 minutes to finish.


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Added by snakeyez on Apr 25 2013, 14:43
great mission dude!!but i just gave you 4 stars because my name is in it. xD
Added by snakeyez on Apr 25 2013, 14:43
*storyline i mean. xD
Added by blooodhomie22 on Jul 14 2013, 09:44
Don't get carried away while creating a mission, M4s and AKs in the beginning is not very good, you should make a reasonable mission, I mean you make cars bulletproof, explosionproof and all, that's very unrealistic and this applies to actors as well, gangstas with AKs and SPAS shotguns are not very good for a beginning mission, M4 is a military rifle, Sweet should not be using that, Sweet uses AK47 in the 'Back to Los Santos' Missions, gangstas don't use SPAS shotguns, just like in the
Added by blooodhomie22 on Jul 14 2013, 09:45
just like in the mission Green Sabre, they use MP5, nothing more than that, learn from GTA-SanAndreas main storyline, you should start with 0 then you go up. Story is reasonable, missions are not(probably), anyway you've done a good job, I'm not saying that your storyline is bad, I'm saying that you can make it better. Good Storyline.
Added by blooodhomie22 on Jul 14 2013, 09:47
But considering you a newbie, you've done a good job.
Added by valeriu on Jul 20 2013, 11:08
5 stars
Added by POPHero24 on Aug 04 2014, 11:11
awesome and by the way blooodhomie 22 he put m4 and ak beacuse he want it do you know the meanig of design your own mission it is how he create it dont be so awesome to yourself he is only a human and razor 12/10 rating :)
Added by POPHero24 on Aug 04 2014, 11:18
awesome and by the way blooodhomie 22 he put m4 and ak beacuse he want it do you know the meanig of design your own mission it is how he create it dont be so awesome to yourself he is only a human and razor 12/10 rating :)
Added by POPHero24 on Aug 04 2014, 11:24
awesome and by the way blooodhomie 22 he put m4 and ak beacuse he want it do you know the meanig of design your own mission it is how he create it dont be so awesome to yourself he is only a human and razor 12/10 rating :)

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