Contagion ((Horror Zombie))
By ::The Hunter::

Tom and James after wandering a long time in their town, trying to find a way to escape, that meet the old Collins and on to the roof of the gas station in the city, the two go up on the roof and see that the scheriffo of the county is still alive, so the old man said Collins knew something about the captain Welligton, but the sheriff said that the last time I heard on the radio in
had been attacked by some zombies along the way, while I was taking some survivors to safety, then the sheriff said it was better to leave the city, but as he had finished his ammunition shotgun, Collins asked if they could take it from the plant, which had infested with zombies and only there'd never make it to kill all the zombies, you and Tom Collins said James and prepared to vacate the sheriff and escape from the town...
((This mission is played with a zombie skin that I put in the archive))
had been attacked by some zombies along the way, while I was taking some survivors to safety, then the sheriff said it was better to leave the city, but as he had finished his ammunition shotgun, Collins asked if they could take it from the plant, which had infested with zombies and only there'd never make it to kill all the zombies, you and Tom Collins said James and prepared to vacate the sheriff and escape from the town...
((This mission is played with a zombie skin that I put in the archive))
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Added by Qsar on Mar 17 2014, 23:26
if i use antoher zombie skin what happined?
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