Long Theft Auto #2: Starting a new life

Second pack of Long Theft Auto. Mark goes out of business with Rok and now goes to live with his friend Howard. There will have to settle in the job as a dustman. Next pack coming soon.
THBP Work in progress
THBP Work in progress
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- Last Update
- May 17 '13
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Added by THBP on May 17 2013, 02:26
Any questions, post here in the comments and I'll try to answer as soon as possible.
Added by Dino Thunder XIV on May 20 2013, 20:58
Cuando subes la tercera parte!....tu historia esta muy chida!...gracias!....aunque hablo espaƱol entiendo ingles!....que pasara con Rok?....ya quiero que la publiques soy tu fan!
When you upload the third part! .... Your story is very chida! ... Thanks! .... Even speak Spanish understand English! .... What will happen with Rok? .... And I want you publish your fan!
When you upload the third part! .... Your story is very chida! ... Thanks! .... Even speak Spanish understand English! .... What will happen with Rok? .... And I want you publish your fan!
Added by blooodhomie22 on Jul 07 2013, 06:51
Perfect Work man, create a gangsta sort of storyline next time.
Added by THBP on Aug 04 2013, 20:20
Thanks for your reply, guys.
I talk about gangs on the pack #5 page. And the next packs will come soon, and I can't reveal details about Rok now. We can only wait for the end of the history.
Grateful, THBP
I talk about gangs on the pack #5 page. And the next packs will come soon, and I can't reveal details about Rok now. We can only wait for the end of the history.
Grateful, THBP
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