My WIP Story (No name invented)
By HuxelPig
This is the beginning of the storyline I was promising to make in autumn. It's WIP, so don't expect any ultra-perfect missions.
I thought to put it here, so people could say what they think about it.
NOTE: In the mission "Trip to Fierro" after the dialogue ends, the driving should continue, but it starts showing an empty cutscene of the alley. I tried to fix it by putting a checkpoint in the alley, but my game crashed. I'm trying to fix it :)
I thought to put it here, so people could say what they think about it.
NOTE: In the mission "Trip to Fierro" after the dialogue ends, the driving should continue, but it starts showing an empty cutscene of the alley. I tried to fix it by putting a checkpoint in the alley, but my game crashed. I'm trying to fix it :)
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