Swiping Kings: Sequel [ZIP]
By Jimmy_Leppard
This is a ZIP file with all the missions of the ''Swiping Kings: Sequel'' mission series in it. The missions are divided into 2 folders (One folder consists of missions from Zack O'Conner's point of view and the other consists of missions from John Skyler's point of view.)
This ZIP file is uploaded so you don't have to download all the missions separately.
Feel free to leave a feedback about the missions in the official mission series topic --> http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=558719
Thank you and have fun :)
This ZIP file is uploaded so you don't have to download all the missions separately.
Feel free to leave a feedback about the missions in the official mission series topic --> http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=558719
Thank you and have fun :)
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- Last Update
- Jun 03 '13
- Views
- 2066
- Downloads
- 873
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- Comments
- 2

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Added by Jimmy_Leppard on Jun 19 2013, 10:11
@Randy - You create a new ZIP file on your desktop. Then you sort your missions (.dat files) into folders (best is to sort them by chapters). Then you put all those folders into previously created ZIP file. After that, you go to this site, click Upload - Mission - You fill in all that needs to be filled in (name of the ZIP file, description etc. - At the end at ''Choose a missionfile to upload'' - you browse your ZIP file and click upload. It should work fine.
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