DYOM » Missions » Cross Chapter 1 The Kings of Los Santos

Cross Chapter 1 The Kings of Los Santos

By Lockmane12

Dylan Cross is a 25 year old kid living in Willowfield, while chasing and killing a couple of Thugs on the street he comes across a man who claims to have known his father and is about to introduce Dylan to a whole new life. This new life includes being apart of the gang called The Kings of Los Santos, the second largest gang in San Andreas. The gang is comprised of 7 men, Dylan, Tom, Jeff, John, Jim, Robert, and Xiu. Each has their role, and each fufills it to the best of their ability. Play as Dylan Cross and watch his story unfold.

*Update* Chapter 2 Intro has been uploaded


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Oct 08 '13

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Added by edgaras904 on Jun 07 2013, 16:21
i'll try it out and Maybe Post a Video on HD I hope this is fun I bet it is SO i will find out by playing it from you and post a Quick video
Added by Lockmane12 on Jun 07 2013, 17:33
Thank you, please make sure to let me know how it could improve.
Added by edgaras904 on Jun 07 2013, 17:36
I Tried it out! Its Awesome but,could you make it look like a Robbery like Where the Old man is locking the gate could you make 2 Thugs instead of 1? like 1 You kill and 2nd you chase him and then kill him and by the way Could you please check out this video?
Its your Mission that i did :D Hope you like how i play Cuz this is AWEEEEEEESOME
Good Hunting Stalker!
Added by Lockmane12 on Jun 07 2013, 17:37
*edit* It will get better as the story progresses
Added by edgaras904 on Jun 07 2013, 17:54
Good Hunting Stalker!
Added by edgaras904 on Jun 07 2013, 19:44
Nice edit bro! Now this Mission is Ready I even Tested it and it works GREAT!
Added by edgaras904 on Jun 07 2013, 19:44
Can't wait for your Whole Story
Added by Lockmane12 on Jun 07 2013, 21:34
Thank you very much I will begin work on the rest of Chapter 1 immediately =D
Added by edgaras904 on Jun 08 2013, 07:42
well i will try it out and maybe give back a video feedback on it
Good Hunting Stalker
Added by Lockmane12 on Jun 08 2013, 19:48
I have finished Chapter 1, if it is liked I will work on Chapter 2
Added by Martincho on Jun 08 2013, 21:04
Nice missions, it crashed in some but well made!
Added by Lockmane12 on Jun 09 2013, 01:48
@Martincho much appreciated =D
Added by Lockmane12 on Jun 09 2013, 06:30
*UPDATE* Sorry to report that I am discontinuing the Cross series, I just do not have the time anymore to commit to creating anymore missions. I hope you at least enjoyed Chapter 1. thank you
- Lockmane12
Added by edgaras904 on Jun 09 2013, 14:04
Added by Lockmane12 on Jun 09 2013, 23:48
*UPDATE* I retract my earlier update, I was feeling a bit unsure about the series, but I will continue with making the missions, I am just not sure about how quickly they will come out. I am beginning work on Chapter 2 and plan on finishing the series.
- Lockmane12
Added by edgaras904 on Jun 14 2013, 12:41
when will it be finished? just curious
Added by Lockmane12 on Oct 04 2013, 02:44
Hey guys, firstly I apologize for being away so long, things have been busy, and I have had computer issues wish took me a while to resolve, I will continue production of the Cross series as soon as possible

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