Just a Simple job (For MOTW#4)
By Nyhhichi
After doing lots of dangerous things for Don Leone, Ryan Jacobs finaly decided to stand up and tell Don Leone his problem. Eventualy Don agrees to pay up for the things Ryan done for him but only after one last job. Don wants you to assist his guys in assault on docks...
This mission is my entry for MOTW#4
Link to topic:http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=559086
If you like the mission you are free to vote for it on forum.
And finaly the most importat part: HAVE FUN!
After doing lots of dangerous things for Don Leone, Ryan Jacobs finaly decided to stand up and tell Don Leone his problem. Eventualy Don agrees to pay up for the things Ryan done for him but only after one last job. Don wants you to assist his guys in assault on docks...
This mission is my entry for MOTW#4
Link to topic:http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=559086
If you like the mission you are free to vote for it on forum.
And finaly the most importat part: HAVE FUN!
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Jun 08 '13
- Views
- 3507
- Downloads
- 2258
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 4
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 60
- Actors
- 62
- Cars
- 12
- Pickups
- 12
- Objects
- 37
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Added by Target13 on Jun 10 2013, 14:11
Awesome! i even made a video of gameplay...i might post it...
Added by Nyhhichi on Jun 10 2013, 16:46
Thanks for the video. Thank you for doing it. Right now thx to the mission info bar I can't click to show the video. Just so you know...
Added by Nyhhichi on Jun 10 2013, 16:47
Nice the comment I made made a little space. Tnx again for the video
Added by Target13 on Jun 10 2013, 22:47
No Prob! I Liked your mission!
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