Secret Agent - Cover a target
By xX_/Leopard\_Xx

Hint of this mission:
1. go get the gun and parachute. then, jump to the checkpoint in under you.
2. kill the snipers in front of you. becareful, they will shoot you.
3. search the DNA book in the room.
4. protect and save Wozzie from guards in you. (shoot his head to easy you kill the guard)
5. go to the admin place. shoot the guards near you, and protect Wozzie.
6. Kill all of police in near you, and protect Wozzie .
hope you like my mission!
1. go get the gun and parachute. then, jump to the checkpoint in under you.
2. kill the snipers in front of you. becareful, they will shoot you.
3. search the DNA book in the room.
4. protect and save Wozzie from guards in you. (shoot his head to easy you kill the guard)
5. go to the admin place. shoot the guards near you, and protect Wozzie.
6. Kill all of police in near you, and protect Wozzie .
hope you like my mission!
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Jul 02 '13
- Views
- 721
- Downloads
- 1084
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 2
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 40
- Actors
- 62
- Cars
- 3
- Pickups
- 8
- Objects
- 20

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Added by maradona on Jul 03 2013, 11:12
Awesome mission, man! I really like it! 5 star :)
Added by xX_/Leopard\_Xx on Jul 03 2013, 11:15
@maradona : thanks man! :D
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