The Money Chase
By Martincho

You are Sean, a member of a gang in Blueberry; you just left the gang and started to work alone. You recieved a call from a guy that seems to have work for you.
PD: This is my last mission for now, i will not do missions for a long time because i need to fix San Andreas problems; DYOM doesn't works so i must fix it out, it will take a long time downloading it again, installing, etc...
You are Sean, a member of a gang in Blueberry; you just left the gang and started to work alone. You recieved a call from a guy that seems to have work for you.
PD: This is my last mission for now, i will not do missions for a long time because i need to fix San Andreas problems; DYOM doesn't works so i must fix it out, it will take a long time downloading it again, installing, etc...
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Jul 15 '13
- Views
- 1255
- Downloads
- 1734
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 35
- Actors
- 11
- Cars
- 2
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 0

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