Three War: Part 1
By TenienteDraza

This is my first mission and I made it to practise. You can modify it if you want.
This mission is in Spanish.
This part is very short. Next one soon.
Los Ballas atacan sin razón aparente Grove Street, pero parece que es una trampa para CJ...
The Ballas attack Grove street without reason, but it seems that they set up a trap to CJ...
This mission is in Spanish.
This part is very short. Next one soon.
Los Ballas atacan sin razón aparente Grove Street, pero parece que es una trampa para CJ...
The Ballas attack Grove street without reason, but it seems that they set up a trap to CJ...
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- Last Update
- Jul 20 '13
- Views
- 525
- Downloads
- 718
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 1
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 11
- Actors
- 13
- Cars
- 3
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 0

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Added by TenienteDraza on Jul 21 2013, 19:22
I'm not going to do Part 2, first because the I did this in Spanish and i realised that onliy a few people is going to see this, and second because now i'm working in my first Mission Pack, The Hunter and the Hunted. You can still comment about this mission and tell me their flaws. Bye!
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