Agent Johnny#Ch.05
By pramod456
Hint-(1)Shooting on explosive barrels can kill multiple enemy at one shot.
(2)Always control your friend by pressing 'G' and 'H' key.
(3)Cover your friend and yourself from the bullets of enemies.
Mission difficulty-Hard
Note-Every chapters of 'Agent Johnny' are connected to each other so, play all chapters in order to understand the complete story.
(2)Always control your friend by pressing 'G' and 'H' key.
(3)Cover your friend and yourself from the bullets of enemies.
Mission difficulty-Hard
Note-Every chapters of 'Agent Johnny' are connected to each other so, play all chapters in order to understand the complete story.
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Jul 29 '13
- Views
- 743
- Downloads
- 1295
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 43
- Actors
- 37
- Cars
- 7
- Pickups
- 4
- Objects
- 51

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