Parkour Contest [MOTW #11 Winner]
By Casualmind
You play as Joe from 3 Brothers. Your friend got shot from the enemies and you must kill the enemies with parkour movement.
PS : This is an old mission from me. There are a lot of grammar mistakes inside it because that time I'm still learning about English. Hope you enjoy!
You play as Joe from 3 Brothers. Your friend got shot from the enemies and you must kill the enemies with parkour movement.
PS : This is an old mission from me. There are a lot of grammar mistakes inside it because that time I'm still learning about English. Hope you enjoy!
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- Last Update
- Jun 28 '16
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- 2106
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- 690
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- Comments
- 3
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Added by Irfan (Afan) on Jun 08 2016, 13:04
Not bad it is awesome bro!
Added by Irfan (Afan) on Jun 08 2016, 13:05
From me 4/5
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