The Walking Dead - #03 (Chapter 01)
By GtBorg

Author: JCGames
Translation: GtBorg
Synopsis: After suffering a car accident, Mark is found by a local doctor, who owns a farm on the outskirts of Los Santos. While he was in coma, something happened. The place is devastated, bodies are scattered, there is blood everywhere, everyone is dead. But that isn't hindering of walking among us. Now the only thing that matters is to find his brother, and ensure his safety. Besides having to deal with the fact that the world he knew is DEAD!
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Translation: GtBorg
Synopsis: After suffering a car accident, Mark is found by a local doctor, who owns a farm on the outskirts of Los Santos. While he was in coma, something happened. The place is devastated, bodies are scattered, there is blood everywhere, everyone is dead. But that isn't hindering of walking among us. Now the only thing that matters is to find his brother, and ensure his safety. Besides having to deal with the fact that the world he knew is DEAD!
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- Last Update
- Jan 30 '17
- Views
- 1037
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- 1699
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- Comments
- 2
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 100
- Actors
- 49
- Cars
- 36
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 72

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Added by Scarface on Aug 17 2013, 16:13
Added by GtBorg on Aug 17 2013, 23:06
Thanks again Scarface
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