GTA Vice City Stories: Mission 1

Mission 1: Soldier
Episode: Beta 0.1
San Andreas, 1984. Opportunity abounds in a city emerging from the swamps, its growth fueled by a violent power struggle in a lucrative drug trade. Construction is everywhere as a shining metropolis rises from foundations of crime and betrayal.
As a soldier, Vic Vance has always protected his dysfunctional family, his country, himself.
One bad decision later and that job is about to get much harder. Kicked out onto the streets between glamour and gluttony, Vic is faced with a stark an empire or be crushed
Episode: Beta 0.1
San Andreas, 1984. Opportunity abounds in a city emerging from the swamps, its growth fueled by a violent power struggle in a lucrative drug trade. Construction is everywhere as a shining metropolis rises from foundations of crime and betrayal.
As a soldier, Vic Vance has always protected his dysfunctional family, his country, himself.
One bad decision later and that job is about to get much harder. Kicked out onto the streets between glamour and gluttony, Vic is faced with a stark an empire or be crushed
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Feb 23 '14
- Views
- 3177
- Downloads
- 2359
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 18
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 54
- Actors
- 22
- Cars
- 4
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 1

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Added by Scarface on Aug 22 2013, 03:35
five stars for you ☺
Added by xxGTAXIVxx on Aug 22 2013, 03:38
Real Thanks, Friend! ;)
Added by ryder nigga on Aug 23 2013, 14:38
i never played gta VCS but i like this mission.5 stars.just continue i like this
Added by xxGTAXIVxx on Aug 23 2013, 16:23
Ok..Thanks!...GTA VCS is great.. :D
Added by Mr.Skippy on Aug 24 2013, 10:44
how to download??
Added by HDVitorino2 on Aug 25 2013, 16:57
Good Mission!
Added by xxGTAXIVxx on Aug 25 2013, 19:05
Really.. Thanks!! :D
Added by Martincho on Aug 26 2013, 01:53
Nice mission jajaja ^^
I really love Jerry Martinez (?
I really love Jerry Martinez (?
Added by xxGTAXIVxx on Aug 26 2013, 02:50
hehehehehe... :D Yeah!.. I'll continue with this story! :3
Added by Yuri on Sep 17 2013, 17:10
Very good mission!
Added by J0hnN on Dec 19 2013, 21:38
I love your missions....I played gta vcs on my play station portable,but I must say that your mission was greater than the game itself :)
Added by diegoxxd on Dec 26 2013, 18:38
emm... el juego se crashea cuando dice que tengo que recojer el paquete de...(se me olvido) pero se crashea
Added by diegoxxd on Dec 26 2013, 18:38
arreglalo porfavor
Added by xxGTAXIVxx on Dec 26 2013, 18:46
Bueno, no puedo hacer mision es publica y he borrado el editor.. osea la mision original sin autorun... asi que ni modo... debe ser tu juego, porque a todos quienes la han jugado les ha funcionado.
Added by diegoxxd on Dec 27 2013, 00:25
ahh bueno, esta bien
Added by QaiserH on Feb 23 2014, 04:01
Great Mission ☺
Added by QaiserH on Feb 23 2014, 04:02
And 5 Stars :)
Added by lezalo4000 on Sep 06 2016, 20:00
che chavon es compatible con san vice o no porfavor responde
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