DYOM » Missions » the grove street stories

the grove street stories

By ryder nigga

okay, this is my first mision pack.
in this story kane and 2 balla ogs killing sweet and cj and other grove street families want to revenge.cj see to he cannot to do that alone, so he going to cesar vialpando to ask him about uniting families and varrio.cesar agree but they need to do one job for him. to back cesars stolen car by vagos. big bear going and steal than back it to cesar.finnaly cj and cesar can start business to killing kane, but they have no idea where he is.cesar tells carl to woozie have an informations about gangs.than cj borrow helicopter from madd dogg and fly to san fierro to woozie
woozie tells carl where is gangmember who knows where kane right is. carl going there and torture gangmember until he tell him.
finnaly carl going to revenge kane in los flores for killing his brother and to make his nice funeral.
bugs: sometime in first mission game crashes when you come as cj.if dont work start again and it will work


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Added by FRArom on Aug 25 2013, 17:19
Good Storyline !
I love the end when you need to kill Kane.
Added by ryder nigga on Aug 25 2013, 17:27

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